Easily publish a private podcast

Podlock is the simple way to deliver a private podcast to a specific audience. A simple and effective solution for internal comms, training and education.

Add, manage and track your subscribers, who can listen in-browser or via their podcast app.

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How can private subscribers listen?

A typical podcast gets distributed via a public RSS feed, allowing anyone around the world to subscribe and download using podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts.

Podlock's private podcasts are the opposite - created for a limited audience, and not accessible by the general public. They are published on a feed that isn’t listed on public podcast directories, instead the creator distributes their production to an audience they specify.


What is a private podcast?

Podlock delivers private podcasts in a familiar way.

Your private subscribers listen via a branded web page or by adding the RSS feed to their favourite podcast player. Yes, you can listen in Apple Podcasts & Google Podcasts, amongst others, and it’s still secure and private.